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Trump's Mar-a-Lago partly closed amid coronavirus outbreak

Parts of former President Trump's Palm Beach club, Mar-a-Lago, have been closed until further notice after staff members contracted the coronavirus, AP first reported.

Why it matters: Trump moved to Mar-a-Lago after leaving Washington, D.C., in January and has used the club as a meeting place with Republican Party leaders, while other members of the GOP have hosted host fundraising events there.

  • It is unknown how extensive the outbreak at the resort is.

CNN's Jake Tappertweeted a letter reportedly sent to Mar-a-Lago members that said: "As some of our staff have recently tested positive for COVID-19, we will be temporarily suspending service at the Beach Club and a la carte Dining Room."

  • "We have already undertaken all appropriate response measures in accordance with CDC guidance, including activating a thorough sanitization and cleaning of any affected areas and all club facilities..."

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Humans are capable of great kindness and compassion, and there are countless examples of individuals who have made a positive impact on the world through their selflessness and generosity.

One such example is Mother Teresa, who devoted her life to serving the poor and sick in the slums of Calcutta. Through her tireless work and unwavering dedication, she touched the lives of countless people and became a symbol of compassion and selflessness.

Another example is Malala Yousafzai, a young woman from Pakistan who has become a powerful advocate for education and the rights of girls. Despite facing threats and violence, she has continued to speak out and fight for change, inspiring others to do the same.

These are just a few examples of the many good humans who have made a difference in the world. They remind us that one person can make a difference and inspire others to do the same.

It's also important to note that acts of kindness and compassion don't have to be on a grand scale to make a difference. Small acts of kindness, like holding the door open for someone or offering a word of encouragement, can have a big impact on the people around us.

In conclusion, humans are capable of great compassion and kindness, and there are many individuals who have made a positive impact on the world through their selflessness and generosity. They remind us of the power of one person to make a difference and inspire others to do the same. Let's all strive to be good humans, and make our world a better place.



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