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Biden leans into clean power mandate despite hurdles

The White House is sending increasingly strong signals it will push for a zero-carbon power mandate in the energy and social safety net package Democrats hope to pass using filibuster-proof budget reconciliation rules.

Driving the news: President Biden, in a speech Wednesday, called for the policy that would require emissions-free electricity to provide a significantly growing share of power company sales.

  • "I want to set a clean electric standard that moves us to a fully clean and reliable grid," he said in Illinois.

Why it matters: Passing a "clean energy standard" (CES) would help advance Biden's goal of 100% carbon-free U.S. power by 2035.

The big picture: OK, so it's not news that the White House wants a CES in infrastructure legislation.

  • But, well, they want all kinds of things! What's notable is that lately, the White House has been getting much more vocal about the CES.
  • Last Tuesday top aides Gina McCarthy and Anita Dunn listed it among the priorities, and on Wednesday McCarthy called it one of the "bottom lines" for the reconciliation plan.
  • Biden's speech on Wednesday may be the first time he's publicly name-checked the policy since it was included in the big infrastructure wish-list the White House released in March.

The intrigue: How exactly backers will craft a plan to comply with reconciliation, which is designed for spending and revenue measures.

  • The Washington Examiner reports that Democrats may set annual clean power targets for utilities to hit.
  • "If utilities hit these targets, they would get financial support from the federal government. If they do not, they would face penalties," it reports.

What we're watching: Whether the votes are there. Sen. Joe Manchin has been skeptical of a CES, though his office did not respond to an inquiry yesterday about his current thinking.

And a CES would likely need to credit for nuclear power and natural gas with CO2 capture (which is not yet a thing commercially) to win over moderates, but some activists groups oppose those sources.

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COVID-19 pandemic was a "preventable disaster," WHO-commissioned report says

The COVID-19 pandemic was a "preventable disaster" that exposed weak links "at every point" of the preparedness process, according to a World Health Organization-commissioned report published Wednesday.

Why it matters: The report by the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response criticized governments worldwide for being unprepared for the pandemic despite the prevalence of past "global health threats," such as Ebola, Zika, and SARS outbreaks.

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